Gordon Korman is the author of over ninety middle-grade and young adult books, including three titles in the #1 New York Times bestselling 39 Clues series and four ALA Best Books for Young Adults. Canada born, Gordon began his writing career at 12 years old—based on a 7th grade writing project—and had his first book published by Scholastic by the time he was a freshman in high school! Consequently, Gordon has been writing for more than three-quarters of his life. His books have been translated into 32 languages and have sold over 30 million copies worldwide. Gordon has a BFA degree from New York University with a major in Dramatic Writing and a minor in Film and TV. He now lives on Long Island, outside New York City, with his wife and family. When he’s not writing or with his family, Gordon likes to hit the road, appearing at schools, libraries, and bookstores, meeting readers.